The what? The Cliffe. It's a timber bungalow perched high on a bend in the Swan River. Number 25 Bindaring Place, to be exact. It was also home to the young David and Robert McComb. The nesting place of young Triffids.
Cultural heritage rates pretty low in a place so devoted to making money and right now developers are hovering. Triffid-like, you might say.
But a campaign to preserve the house is firmly afoot. The local council is taking this seriously, but the pressure needs to stay on. And a petition will actually help. The plan is not to turn the place into a shrine to all things McComb, but preservation of the house will help towards some permanent memorial.
The last time my wife and I were in Perth we drove along the river front to see the McComb house. My various gods. What a sea of hideous architectural pomp. But there sits the Cliffe, over a hundred years old. A little care and concern, and your name on a petition, and who knows, in a hundred years more, it may still be there.
David McComb wrote the book for Western Australian rock music. And many of his best songs are rooted in this particular patch of ground.
Maybe this plays to my Village Green Preservation Society leanings, but even saving one building is worthwhile protest against vile greed.